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Flywheels vs. relationships business models permissionless Jul 25, 2022

In developing an initial marketing plan, it is crucial not to be confused about what kind of business architecture you are building in order to establish your initial metrics for success. Geoffrey Moore has a great way of capturing this in the distinction between complex systems versus...

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From funnels to flywheels business models permissionless Jul 18, 2022

Traditional sales organizations used the concept of a sales “funnel” to describe the process through which potential customers move, ending up with sales at the end. Winners today have abandoned that way of thinking in favor of building flywheels – business models in which every...

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You can't tackle complex problems with linear thinking permissionless seeing around corners Jun 27, 2022

As Daniel Kahnemann has pointed out to us, while the human brain is a remarkable organ, it also has its limitations. One of these is that it is built to conserve energy.  What that in turn means is that we readily engage in fast, linear thinking when the challenges we face are...

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Building a proficiency for innovation and growth opportunity portfolio Jun 23, 2022

When you ask why large companies have a problem building an innovation proficiency, you get back all the usual suspects: “We have silos.” “It’s nobody’s job.” “We’re afraid of failure.” “It’s unpredictable.” And...

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Counting down our top ten list of discovery driven planning misses, Part 2 discovery driven planning Jun 02, 2022

Through Valize, Ron Boire and I have been working with clients to use the tools we have developed to bring Discovery Driven Planning / Discovery Driven Growth to life. Although we’ve got years of experience doing this, and over 100,000,000 hits when you search on the term, it’s still...

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Counting down our top ten list of discovery driven planning misses, Part 1 discovery driven planning May 30, 2022

Through Valize, Ron Boire and I have been working with clients to use the tools we have developed to bring Discovery Driven Planning / Discovery Driven Growth to life. Although we’ve got years of experience doing this, and over 100,000,000 hits when you search on the term, it’s still...

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Startups in distress - we've seen this movie before seeing around corners May 16, 2022

Wired magazine offered an article on the state of things in startup-land and discovered, astonishingly, that “The Bad times are Coming for Startups.” But not every startup, of course, mainly the ones that blithely ignore entrepreneurship 101, go for growth above all else, treat...

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Bright promise and dashed hopes - the AT&T Media saga seeing around corners May 09, 2022

Big, expensive unions of large and unwieldy companies almost never work out well. The sudden termination of CNN+ is but the latest casualty in a long history of things that began with a lot of confident predictions that eventually crumbled into “oh, never mind…” There are...

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You can't avoid the digital dimension of your business - even if you wanted to! digital transformation transformation May 02, 2022

Asking what your digital strategy is today is a lot like asking what your electricity strategy was at the turn of the last century. Seems absurd. Yet both questions reflect how a shift in an underlying technology fundamentally changes what is possible.

Electrification of factories and plants...

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What everybody ought to know about planning under uncertainty discovery driven planning Apr 18, 2022


The article “Discovery Driven Planning” was published in 1995. The book-length treatment came out in 2009. And yet, we’re only now catching up to what entrepreneurs and corporate innovators have long understood – when you are dealing with uncertainty, you need a...

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When terrible things happen to good innovation projects innovation Apr 04, 2022

OK, we have finally realized that innovation and transformation are not optional for the long run well-being of a large enterprise. But that is a far cry from having the capability to do something with that understanding. The good news is that the things that sink innovation efforts are often...

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Knowing when to pull the plug - part 2 disengagement Mar 28, 2022

With any corporate venturing program, one of the most important factors that will determine financial returns is the ability to stop investing in projects that simply won’t work out at all, or will be inconsequential to their parent company, even if they do succeed. Here’s Part 2 of a...

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Knowing when to pull the plug - part 1 disengagement Mar 21, 2022

With any corporate venturing program, one of the most important factors that will determine financial returns is the ability to stop investing in projects that simply won’t work out at all, or will be inconsequential to their parent company, even if they do succeed. Here’s a set of...

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The essential art of smart politics politics permissionless Feb 28, 2022

All too often, when we think about dealing with politics at work, it conjures up toxic and negative feelings. But if you want to make big ambitious changes happen, you’re going to have to get skilled at navigating the political waters.

When I say “politics,” what’s...

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Mastering the Opportunity Portfolio Jun 24, 2019

To create outside returns, you need to be prepared to invest in uncertain opportunities. But that requires a different management logic than investing in the core business.  

If you think about the value you create as a manager, when uncertainty is really low, you can use all of...

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