
Valize Impact Guides

Learn to innovate with confidence

Customer Insight Tools Collection

This collection refers to a series of tools, tips and techniques that you can use to generate the insights that underlie truly valuable growth businesses. The collection covers six guides in total. 

The guides include hands-on practice elements to build your skills.  

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1. 6 Individual Guides 

2. 6 Explainer Videos (around 2 - 3 minutes each)

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4. 6 Assessments

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Individual Guides included in this Collection


Collection Syllabus


Guide 4a. Beyond Demographic segmentation 

The easy, and quite traditional way of segmenting groups of customers is through their attributes – age, income, geography, and so on. The problem is that this way of breaking up different customer groups into ones with similar needs is that it assumes that demographics are highly correlated with behavior. Often, they are not. This guide offers a series of alternatives.  

Guide 4b. Connecting jobs-to-be-done and behavior 

One of the most impactful ideas in the area of creating customer insight comes from Tony  Ulwick and Clayton Christenson. It suggests that instead of thinking of features, focus instead on the “job” customer want to get done in their lives – the outcomes they are trying to drive.  This guide offers frameworks that will help you usefully interrogate the real customer job, identify which are most important and even build a better not for profit.   

Guide 4c. Consumption Chain Analysis 

A customer consumption chain represents the complete set of experiences a customer goes through in trying to accomplish their jobs-to-be-done, from initial awareness of need all the way through to word of mouth referrals, renewals or moving on. The dilemma is that many organizations split the chain up into pieces, resulting in a less than ideal customer experience. This guide shows you how to map a consumption chain, use a technique we call quizzing to deeply understand it and learn to connect it to the desired customer experience, for a specific segment.    

Guide 4d. Customer Relationship Insights 

As more business models rely on an ongoing relationship with a customer, for instance, any model that includes a subscription element, managing customer relationships have become a key topic. But, ironically, many organizations do a terrible job. This guide will explain why customer service is sometimes your worst enemy, why employee experience and customer experience are deeply connected, and how to figure out which customers are worth investing serious relationship-building resources in.   

Guide 4e.  Attribute mapping 

Your offering’s features are in many ways just a translation device between your organization’s capabilities and what jobs customers are trying to get done.  The translation is never perfect – for given groups of customers there are features they like, those they don’t, and those they just don’t care about. Further, customer reaction is dynamic. Things they were excited about last year may be old news by today. The attribute mapping tool gives you a way of understanding these realities to make the most sensible tradeoff decisions.   

Guide 4f.  Prospecting Moves 

This guide draws on a number of different tools, some drawn from the book MarketBusters to help you uncover hidden potential opportunities for growth.  It provides several specific techniques – such as reducing complexity or better designing choice architecture – that can help you uncover opportunities for growth that may be just lying out there in plain sight!

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